“Snapping of the Twigs”
mystery, something new is approaching, open to love, unsure, change is in the air, be aware
When I received the lyrics titled “Snapping of the Twigs”, penned by the brilliant and ‘Edward Scissorhands’ level of creative (more on that in a moment) David M. Murray, I needed to wrap my head around what he was feeling when he wrote this… so I could hopefully radiate that energy to you through music and images - I love making music videos!
This is what I came up with; “mystery, something new is approaching, open to love, unsure, change is in the air, be aware”. See if you agree. Here’s his lyric:
4/9/24 received: Something’s moving deep inside I don’t know what it is I look all around at me I hear the snapping of the twigs Maybe there’s someone coming I don’t really know But I see the writing on the wall From a long, long time ago Chorus: Staring into the clouds above Swiftly whisking by I hear the snapping of the twigs I wonder if it’s hello or goodbye I’m too lazy to be crazy All my dreams begin with daffodils Don’t drink no more alcohol Nor even take a sleeping pill So what is it that’s moving Way down deep inside Causing me the jitters And feeling like I died [Repeat Chorus] I think my heart just skipped a beat There it goes again I hear the snapping of the twigs And messages from within Got to read the writing Way high up on the wall Written with a red crayon The words are really small [Repeat Chorus] Bridge: But that message is now clear to me In the sunlight from above Keep your heart open And always, always welcome love [Repeat Chorus] Copyright © 2024 David M. Murray. All rights reserved. Contact: dmurray19@comcast.net 508.336.5594 #554 4824
David’s writings reflect his eye for beauty in shape and form. He’s a faculty member at RISD and owns his own art installation (also known as his backyard) of multi-floor sized topiaries… all crafted and maintained by Sir David!
Here’s what I’ve come up with… enjoy ☺️
Snapping of the Twigs - music video playlist